Monday, May 12, 2008

The Subliminal Message Of A Master

The Subliminal Message Of A Master

Mr. G

Part I: The Search

It was Sunday afternoon, and I had to work to fix a bug of a Warehouse System which developed by me. Nobody working for the day except those work on shift and I was alone in the office. While I am waiting for the confirmation from user that the System is back to normal, I was thinking whether want to go to Gym to do workout which I have been put off for so many months. The monthly membership fee of the Gym is killing me, it make my credit card debt just like my weight keep putting on, even it is only a tiny portion of my monthly expenses, I should terminate the Gym membership. All in all, thing didn’t look good; in fact, life is suck.

As I was reaching my hand to pick up one of my favorite book “The Message of a Master”, an Email popped in. It was from a newsletter which I subscribe to, I clicked and read, and I did not know it was about to change my life. The newsletter owner has set up a new membership website that offers subliminal audios and videos, and it is free to join. I immediate clicked on the link and I was surprised that the subliminal video on the website is the very subliminal video products that I have been thinking to purchase for many years; I signed up the membership and did the account confirmation in no time.

I watched the online version of the four subliminal videos for about 20 minutes; the advice was not to watch more than 20 minutes a day. My excited come to an end because these videos were merely some high quality picture with some message flashing on it. I did not noticed any emotion changed or shift, except I felt the cold at certain portion of my back when I watching these video. User called to confirm the System was working fine and I was about to go, but suddenly I feel the urge to listen to “The Secret Meditation” from Kelly Howell; I found the file and play it.

I felled into a dreamy state after a while and I found myself driving on a country road with three strangers. “Where are we going? Nathan.” I called the guy sitting beside me by name, strange, I not even know him; “We are going eastward to search for the Master and his Secret, Gabriel.” He knows my name as well. “Who are them sitting at the back?”, “Hey, what’s wrong with you? They are John and Nelson, I think you are too tired, let me drive.”

The distance was long; we reached the hotel around midnight. We went directly to the front desk, “The Master was left.” The manager answered us before we ask, obviously, he is one of the many students of the Master. He refused to give us further information to protect the privacy of his Master, but he assured us that he would arrange an appointment for us if we can wait until the next visit of the Master.

Once again, I was disappointed, it seems like I was never get to know the Secret of the Master. We decided, however, to continue our search the next morning.

We separated to search more efficiently after a restless sleep, we entered every hotel in the town, and we looked around in the market place, restaurant, café and even theater, in the hope to meet the Master in theater just like our luckiest friend did, we continue searching for five days and nights.

On the fifth night, we decided to return home after a voted, 3-1, I loss, I have no choice but go home, I thought I will never give up and I can continue the search by myself, but why I agreed with them, I felt the cowardice in me, and know this is the very thing that hinder my success. They went to sleep and I sat alone in a couch at the lobby until early morning.

Suddenly, I felt a stream of energy approach me, just like when we get closed to a fire or when sunshine contact our skin, we can felt the heat. Somehow, I know that my search has a happy ending, and then a hand touched my shoulder, I turned and looked into the most brilliant person I have ever seen.

“Are you looking for me?” He asked.
“I am.” I answered, for I knew I had found the Master.

We talked briefly about my situation, but he said he was not able to give me any help during his short stay. I told him that he was the only person on earth that can help me out.

“No, the only person that can help you out is yourself. I am just ordinary as you are. The world calls me a Master because I have developed the powers in me that abide in all of us.”

He reached into his sack and drew out a set of 10 DVDs and gave it to me.

“What is this?” I asked.

“The Subliminal Message, a tool to train our mind. I have bought the Resale Right, and this is a gift for you.” He answered and smiled secretively.

Part II: The Subliminal Message

As I awake from the dream, I was still in my office and there is no DVD on my desk, but I already know where to get them. I have always found very hard to practice the powerful words exercise outlined in “The Message of a Master” that asked us to use powerful words to nourish our life force. I know these subliminal video is the ideal tool to replace the exercise, I can watch it every night to train my subconscious mind and to nourish my life force.

"A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind, but in certain situations can affect the subconscious or deeper mind and later actions or attitudes.

Subliminal techniques have occasionally been used in advertising and propaganda; the purpose, the effectiveness, and the frequency of the application of such techniques is debated.

The term subliminal means "beneath a limen" (sensory threshold). This is derived from the Latin words sub, meaning under, and limen, meaning threshold."

Quoted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

I quickly browse through the Subliminal Videos list that available from the membership website, there are total of 10 Subliminal Videos and 4 Subliminal Audios, all make use of the latest Subliminal Message Technology, as a free member, I got 4 online version of the Subliminal Videos and 1 Subliminal Audio. I can either purchase the upgrade by paying the monthly subscription fee or refer enough people to join and get the free upgrade to access all the Subliminal Video and Audio.

Here is the description of the list of Subliminal Videos and their benefits quoted from the respective website:

"Earn 5k per day" -- The human mind is an amazing thing. Research has proven if you can THINK of it, you can ACHIEVE it. And I don't just mean the minds of people like super rich Donald Trump and Bill Gates. ANYONE will increase their income 500% THIS WEEK using my Powerful Subliminal Video. You don't have to be someone special. You don't need killer motivation or ultra-marketable skills. Success WILL come to YOU when your heart, mind, and subliminal thoughts are all in sync, moving you forward with a speed and surety you've never experienced before.

"Attitude Of Gratitude" -- This video will let you feel gratitud, which is the best way to attract things into your life, and feel HAPPY.

"The Good Life" -- This video will help you attract the good life to yourself. You need to visualize it in order to attract it!

Intelligent Warrior 1 -- The Beginning.
This is the unmatched introductory video that sets the stage for moving your life in any direction you wish. You will feel the power potential of this video -- for yourself AND your bank account -- within 10 seconds of watching it. 99% of the time, it is instant! EARN MORE, LOVE BETTER, ATTRACT THE OPPOSITE SEX, HAVE AMAZING SELF CONFIDENCE, RISE AT WORK, SUCCEED IN BUSINESS -- EVERYTHING IS WITHIN YOUR GRASP -- INSTANTLY!

Intelligent Warrior 2 -- Superior Technique

You are powerful, focused, and highly skilled with superior, world-class techniques. In effect, very few people know the secret.
When you watch this video, a feeling starts right in your belly and works its way up and is solid confidence... confidence in the skills you have and the desire to learn more. You have superior techniques and love to train to become the best in the world. You feel good, confident and ARE amazing! You are clearly in complete control...
Your skills are phenomenal and you like to train.
You have excellent conditioning and are one of the best in the world.
You realize the significance of training and train with the best in the world.
You have major momentum and are a tremendously significant producer.
You rain down techniques like BIG BOMBS!

Intelligent Warrior 3 -- Achieve Your Social Potential

You are having FUN in your life now! You have a hard time keeping a straight face and LOVE to laugh, play and share LOVE with others. You are one of the few people who know the secret.

Intelligent Warrior 4 -- Aggressive Manifestation

You are aggressive, at your peak, really coming forward now, victorious in ANY war of attrition and a beautiful display of "manifestation in action." Very few know -- and even fewer apply -- The Secret of Aggressive Manifestation.
Right Now -- Today -- You Can Apply The Secret of Aggressive Manifestation Subliminal Video To Your Life! You will realize, about 10 seconds into the Subliminal Video, you will realize that You Are in the Right Place at the Right Time!!

Intelligent Warrior 5 -- Unstoppable Confidence

While listening and watching The Intelligent Warrior 5, commands are flashing at 30 frames per second and professionally mixed with the audio to control your subconscious and make you believe:
You are in great shape and like to show people what you are all about.
You have pinpoint accuracy, are very precise and virtually unstoppable.
You want to win and prove to yourself that you can win -- that your strategy carries you to victory.
You train extensively to become complete.
You look to impress, have a clear advantage and your income begins to rise to the top.
You are in control and you define manifesting abundance and prosperity.
You have a strong posture and can stand up to adversity.
You are very impressive, have a great base and are extremely pleased with how your life is going.
You have diverse skills and take advantage of them all.
You are diligent and make all your actions count.
You spend all the energy required to succeed.
You survive and excel when faced with adversity.
You are successful in all scenarios, have no fear and let nothing derail your aspirations.
You seize all opportunities with or without notice.
You participate with total commitment and have relentless explosiveness and power.
You easily stay active and relaxed and are flexible in your approach.

Intelligent Warrior 6 -- Social Mastery For Men & Women

You are powerful, cocky, audacious, and "in love" with your relationships with others.
The POWER that you will receive here is the main "intangible" that thousands of books have been written about.
Social Mastery is the hardest of all the skills to acquire.
Not anymore!
Today, for the first time ever, the skill of socializing -- combined with a never-before-experienced attitude sequence -- is offered today in a Subliminal Video Format based on an attitude sequence called the Progressive Unconscious Subliminal Hierarchy, or PUSH.

Intelligent Warrior 7 -- How To Manifest Money, Power, Sex & Love In 10 Hours

-You become 100% STRONGER, more POWERFUL and "advance without limits" toward manifesting "your success picture" EASY!
-You eliminate obstacles "almost without effort" by engaging "manifestation power" which PULLS your "picture" to you -- FOR YOU!
-You continue to advance DAILY and take on higher levels of competition and have many different ways you can advance -- TODAY!!
-You "spiritual attraction" is energized through daily 20 minute meditations that magnetize LOVE, SEX, POWER & MONEY...
- Ideas about ADVANCING come to you FASTER than you can write them down!
- You are "ready-to-go," in CONTROL and do what YOU WANT TO DO!
- You treat each day as the-opportunity-of-a-lifetime to make "your success picture" reality and do whatever-it-takes to keep refining and clarifying it... and you do this RIGHT NOW -- TODAY!

Here is the description of the list of Subliminal Audios and their benefits quoted from the respective website:

Amazing Memory -- Improve your memory
Get Motivated
Be Decisive And Get What you Want
Fantastic Business Success

For the first time in history, every one of us have been given the opportunity to benefit from the power of Subliminal Message without paying a dime, big thanks to Mr. Nathan and Mr. Nelson, both of them are but The Master, I can hear them said, “No! No! Not Master, just friend, which will do.” Even though we can only access the first four videos as a free member, but I think the website owner Mr. Nathan is more willing to help people like me than making money for himself because merely the free Subliminal Videos is good enough to improve our life toward new aspect of achievement and start off our quest for abundance life. “5K per Day”, “The Good Life”, “Gratitude” and “Intelligent Warrior” already covered the basic aspect of life. Do not doubt, do not second guess. Grab your free membership and start your new life now! Thank you!

Gain Access to “$5K Per Day”, “The Good Life”, “Attitude of Gratitude” and “Intelligent Warrior I" by joining this free membership website.

Buy full resale rights to Intelligent Warrior to give it away OR sell it and keep ALL the profits!
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